EQUIMEC Plus Tape combines the power of ivermectin and praziquantel to provide complete protection against all major equine parasites, including potentially life-threatening tapeworms.
- Broad spectrum roundworm, tapeworm and bot activity
- Controls all the important internal parasites
- Convenient-graduated trigger applicator
- Can be used at any age, and at any stage of pregnancy
- Aniseed flavoured
- Gel sticks to horse's mouth and easily swallowed
- Wide safety margin
- Low dose - 1 ml per 40 kg bodyweight
Treats and Controls:
- Tapeworms
- Large Strongyles
- Small Strongyles (including strains that have become resistant to benzimidazole)
- Pinworms
- Ascarids
- Hairworms
- Large-Mouth Stomach Worms
- Neck Threadworms
- Bots
- Lungworms
- Intestinal Threadworms
- Skin lesions caused by Habronema and Draschia spp. cutaneous larvae (summer sores) and Onchocerca spp microfilariae (cutaneous onchocerciasis).
EQUIMEC Plus Tape has a wide margin of safety at the recommended dose level and may be used in horses of all ages. Mares may be treated at any stage of pregnancy. Stallions may be treated without adversely affecting their fertility.
PACK SIZE: 15g. Low dose volume - easy to use trigger syringe. Adjust dosage control knob to horse’s bodyweight, lock in place and press plunger.
1 mL/40 kg bodyweight, given orally, which delivers 0.2 mg/kg ivermectin and 2.5 mg/kg praziquantel. The contents of one syringe will treat one horse at 600 kg bodyweight. Each weight marking on the syringe plunger will deliver 2.5 g of paste which is sufficient to treat 100 kg bodyweight.
Treat all the horses due for treatment on the property at the same time. Foals should be treated initially at 6 to 8 weeks of age, and routine treatment repeated as appropriate. Generally, young horses, brood mares, yearlings and horses exposed to high levels of reinfection should be drenched every 6-8 weeks. For horses lightly stocked in large paddocks this may be extended out to every 10-12 weeks.